Wolf Singer

Web: www.mpg.de/singer
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolf Singer, Neurophysiologist and brain researcher. Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research (since 1981). Founding Director of the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt (2004), Founding Director of the Ernst Strüngmann Forums and the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) in Frankfurt, and Senior Fellow of the Ernst Strüngmann Institute.  His work is devoted to deciphering the neural basis of cognitive function.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolf Singer, Neurophysiologe und Hirnforscher. Direktor und Wissenschaftliches Mitglied am Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung (seit 1981). Gründungsdirektor des Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt (2004), Gründungsdirektor der Ernst Strüngmann Foren und des Ernst Strüngmann Instituts (ESI) in Frankfurt und  Senior Fellow des Ernst-Strüngmann-Instituts.  Seine Arbeiten widmen sich der Entschlüsselung der neuronalen Grundlagen der kognitiven Funktion.
Interview in English / Interview auf Englisch


Interview’s summary

After an introduction where he talks briefly about his relation to the Dance and Music performance world, as well as to the choreographer William Forsythe, he speaks about the situation that artists and arts educators are facing right now with the constraints of online interaction. He exposes the concerns around the current deprivation of communication in its full social/bodily range, the impact it has on creativity, the lack of jointed perception in virtual environments, and some of the effects of social media usage, such as “feedback loops” and “clusters of extreme behavior”. He also gives a small insight into the similarities between the Artificial Neural Network and our own brain.

Minutes – Questions:

00:10 Min. – Can you tell us a bit about your relation to the Dance & Music performance world, and also to the choreographer William Forsythe?

03:12 Min. – How do you see the situation of Live Arts and its online transmission during this crisis?

05:08 Min. – A person’s social communication experience and skills tend to decrease when they interact online…or does this work just as well?

17:35 Min. – So, is Media interaction thru online conferences an extension of our capabilities or a setback?

19:30 Min. – You mention you have seen some examples of what is been recently named “Zoom- fatigue”…

21:20 Min. – Are we “only” creatures of our neurons? Is “subjectivity” considered either as a phenomenon or as an epiphenomenon in your research?

24:00 Min. – Could the structure of the virtual social network (artificial neural network) also be a theme of interest in your research?

29:25 Min.- The social media platforms’ “feedback loops” and social media addiction explained:

#selforganizingbrain, #selforganizingchoreography, #williamforsythe, #dance&science, #essemblemodern, #socialrealities, #motionbank, #moderndancefrankfurt, #invisiblesocialcontent, #behavioraltraits, #commontraits, #theoryofmind, #jointedperception, #cocktailpartyeffect, #selectiveattention, #subjectivityphenomenon, #mentalstates, ,#socialmedia, #onlineconferences, #metaawareness, #futureunpredictability

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Due to the pandemic, interviews were conducted via online conference sessions, using the best possible technical settings available at the time. Some latency and freezes were cut out.

Aufgrund der Pandemie wurden die Interviews über Online-Konferenzsitzungen geführt, unter Verwendung der bestmöglichen technischen Einstellungen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügbar waren.Einige Latenzen und Freezes wurden herausgeschnitten.