Web: marcodonnarumma.com
Italian performance artist, new media artist, and scholar based in Berlin, Germany. His work focuses on the connection between the body, politics, and technology. His performances combine sound, computation, and biotechnology.
Italienischer Performancekünstler, Künstler für neue Medien und Wissenschaftler mit Sitz in Berlin, Deutschland. Seine Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbindung zwischen dem Körper, der Politik und der Technologie. Seine Performances kombinieren Klang, “Computation” (Berechnung) und Biotechnologie.
Interview in English / Interview auf Englisch
Interview’s summary
Donnarumma talks about the different concepts of AI, his relationship with the systems (software and hardware) he develops in collaboration with various artists, and how these systems reflect, to some extent, their creators. He gives a brief insight into his performance work and research, the core of which is to improvise with machines, using movement, sounds and dramaturgy to also challenge the possible autonomous agency of these machines, and to expose critical thinking towards technology – at least that is the description that can be put into words, he says. At the end, a brief consideration of current academic system approaches regarding digital/online literacy and critical thinking.
Minutes – Questions:
00:15 Min. – When you develop and work with soft or hardware, do you feel that you are also transmitting the Bots something very personal of yourself? (Bots: Algorithms & AI) Do you perceive them as sentient entities?
05:45 Min. – Do you miss the possible expanded perception of the body after a VR /AR “immersion” once you are out of it?
08:45 Min. – Is there a medium you miss when you’re not using it?
11:00 Min. – Do you feel limited/incomplete without external extensions (hardware/software) of your “cyborg” self? Can you expand on it?
14:45 Min. – Can you give an overview of your work and your ongoing research/production? As well as what emancipatory or critical potential is in it?
21:45 Min. – Should a critical and emancipatory approach to digital technology and /or algorithmic literacy be part of the cultural education curriculum?
#agency, #AIagency, #computationalinteligence, #sentient, #frontevacuo, #margheritapevere #andreafamilari, #bioartist, #visualartist #autoencoder,#virtualreality, #augmentedreality, #bodyexperience, #mediaart, #creativemedium, #trees, #code, #soundinstallation, #bioart&nature, #criticalthinking
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Due to the pandemic, interviews were conducted via online conference sessions, using the best possible technical settings available at the time. Some latency and freezes were cut out. Aufgrund der Pandemie wurden die Interviews über Online-Konferenzsitzungen geführt, unter Verwendung der bestmöglichen technischen Einstellungen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügbar waren.Einige Latenzen und Freezes wurden herausgeschnitten.